• Get feedback on assignment drafts
  • Learn new study strategies
  • Learn a basic computer skill
  • Review before a quiz or test
  • Learn how to use your study materials more effectively

Tutoring at Main Campus (1860 Lincoln St.):
Room 404 (9/23/24-10/24/24). Returning to Room 525 after 10/24/24.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 3-5 PM

Tutoring at Branch Campus (1205 Osage St.):
Room 205
Monday, 3 – 4:30 PM

If drop-in tutoring does not meet your needs, you may request individual tutoring below.

Individual Tutoring

Our tutors are here to support you in a variety of ways. 
Here’s a list of topics we can assist with:

  • Study Skills
  • Reading Skills
  • Communication & Advocacy
  • Class Materials


Students: We want all students to feel supported on their academic journey at Emily Griffith. We want them to feel able to disclose challenges and empowered to develop strategies to manage those challenges.

Faculty and Staff: We want all instructors and academic support professionals to understand common learning challenges that students face and to be able to adapt their instructional approaches and institutional processes to meet students’ needs.

The following resources can be a good starting place for students, faculty, and staff to support each other’s work at Emily Griffith. For additional support, contact

Digital Literacy

Click here to view a list of computer terms and functions.

Typing Club: Touch typing saves time! Typing Club offers hundreds of practice exercises to help improve your typing. Start with the home row exercises.

Mousercise: Practice moving the cursor to specific points on the screen with Mousercise. Use the LEFT mouse button to click on the targets.

Click here to learn how to make your digital reading experience more efficient and effective by watching this video which walks you through common features of online textbooks.

Click here to learn how to:

  • Create a new account

  • Log into an account

  • Secure your accounts

Learn how to quickly find what you need on a website with this short lesson: Parts of a Website lesson (2 minutes)

In a program that requires a Mac? Never used one before? These short lessons teach you the basics to help you quickly get comfortable on your device.

Learn how to:

  • Use the operating system
  • Work with Windows
  • Navigate the desktop
  • Manage folders and files
  • Save and close the files
  • Delete files
Learning and Teaching Resources

Try a note-taking strategy that helps students retain more information from readings and lectures. Click here to watch a short video.

Learn more about how attentional difficulties can increase challenges for learners in academic environments. Includes a self-assessment for your executive functioning abilities.

“Attention is an incredibly complex, multifaceted function of the mind. It plays a crucial role in what we perceive, remember, think, feel, and do.” -Thomas E. Brown

This simple self-assessment helps you identify executive functioning difficulties that may create some challenges in your daily life. It was developed by the Landmark College Institute for Research and Training (LCIRT).

DISCLAIMER: This self-assessment is one tool to better understand yourself as a learner and is not an official diagnostic tool for learning disabilities.

Executive function is how the brain organizes and implements tasks at hand. Brown’s model of the executive functions organizes the functions into six clusters. When attentional issues cause any of these clusters to fail, the daily life practices, numbered below the clusters, are affected.

Thomas E. Brown, PhD, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine and associate director of the Yale Clinic for Attention and Related Disorders

For more information:
Executive Functions by Thomas E. Brown – This article describes each of the six clusters of executive functions from the model.
Brown Clinic for Attention and Related Disorders

Big Picture Time Management Resources

Check out these calendars, to-do lists, and goal-setting resources from Oregon State University’s Learning Corner to help you prioritize and organize your time more effectively.

The Pomodoro Technique

If you are easily distracted or try to cram your learning into very long study sessions, try the Pomodoro technique. It utilizes a timer and planned breaks to maximize your focus, so your brain does a better job transferring information into your long-term memory.

Digging into Procrastination

This Learning Corner resource discusses 6 common reasons people procrastinate and offers suggestions to address each one. Working with those suggestions will require some self-reflection, and it may benefit you to talk through these challenges with your Student Success Coordinator, your instructor, and/or a trusted family member or friend. 

For further reading, check out the Executive Functioning material above.

Use this tip to stay on track with your program. Never miss an email from your instructors or Emily Griffith staff.

Watch the video here.

Using strategies to manage physical and online textbooks will minimize study time and maximize learning.

Often assignments include studying multiple chapters in a short period of time.
Don’t Panic! Everyone can use strategies to become a more effective student.
It just takes practice.

Problem – “I read and read and still am not ready for the test.”

  • Reading and re-reading chapters is a time-consuming and ineffective way to learn.
  • Studying for more than 25 or 30 minutes without a break is also ineffective.

Solution – Learn strategies and tips for more effective reading and studying (from physical or online books).

  1. Integrate all available instructor-provided resources: For example, lecture notes, vocabulary lists, chapter outlines from Moodle, or additional study guides (If it is not perfectly clear how the classroom resources work together, ask the instructor for further clarification).
  2. Cornell Notes: A note-taking strategy to help retain more information from readings and lectures. Many students like this and find it improves focus while reading or listening.
  3. How To Read Your Textbooks (video 4:40 mins): College student offers excellent tips for more effective textbook use.
    *Take notes with this tool while watching Video 1.*
  4. How to Read a Textbook-Study Tips to Improve Reading Skills (video 7:42 mins): Very clear tips for saving time while reading but still getting more information.
    *Take notes with this tool while watching Video 2.*
  5. Digital Textbook Tips (video 15:51 mins): An overview of common tools included with online textbooks that allow students to be more physically interactive while studying to take notes, search for content and vocabulary, and highlight key points.

Students: does the thought of tackling word problems cause you stress?
Instructors and Tutors: do your students say I can’t do word problems? The key to mastering word problems is knowing that mastering problem solving is NOT a math issue, but a separate skill that can easily be learned and practiced. Review this resource to experience rapid improvement and growth in confidence.

Few have been introduced to the distinction between mastering a strategy for solving word problems and attending to the math within the problem. Because of this, many lack the confidence necessary for approaching word problems in high-stakes testing environments.

In this video, Word Problem? No Problem! (Runtime: 8:20), learn how to reduce the anxiety and negative self-talk experienced when confronted with solving word problems. Learn to distinguish between struggling with problem-solving or with math, and become an expert at speaking to the difference.

This concise description of the 5-step Strategy for Solving Word Problems was created as a handy cheat sheet to use as a reference until mastery in solving word problems is achieved.

These tips and strategies may be helpful for increasing your confidence when taking tests. Click here for tips.

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